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Week 20 Full – Love

Week 20 Peaking: What do I need to know about my race?

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Sole Runners Week 20 Full Training Schedule.pdf

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Sole Runners Week 20 Study Guide.pdf

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Week 20 Article – by Coach Steve Mackel

Taper Tips

Understanding your taper. Tapering is very individual. You need to use your notes from this past training season to find out what works best for your taper. How much time do you need to build into your program, what is best for you in terms of weekly mileage/intensity, what should you eat, what is the quality of your sleep, and what is your general state of mind. The next taper can always be better.

Amount of time to taper. This could be 3-4 weeks to 3-4 days, depending on the length of the race. I suggest a 3-week taper for marathoners, 1-2 weeks for half marathoners, and days for 5/10k races. The goal is to find the proper amount of time for your taper, Ask yourself this question, “Have you given your body enough time to Recover, Re-fuel and Rev-up, (The three Rs)?”

Weekly Mileage/ Intensity. Now is the time to turn down the miles and turn up the intensity. Shorter workouts with a few bouts of higher intensity workouts are in order. This is also a great time to work on form. The problem for many of us is that we have no clue what good form is. This is where ChiRunning® really pays off. From the first lesson to advanced ChiRunning® techniques, it is all about form. As a Certified ChiRunning® Instructor it is my job to teach and reinforce form. Add intensity to this formula and your body adapts to the new implied stresses with ease. Some intense workouts include hill repeats, track workouts, and fartlek training.

Eating and Sleeping. I will be extremely serious with my eating and sleeping habits this month. Remember, food is fuel. A large part of your taper should be to re-fuel your body and make sure your tank is topped off. You should also be well-rested before your big day. The week before your race is key. Sleep and eat well. Don’t worry if you are restless the night before the race. The week and nights before will take care of you.

General State of Mind. You have to stay positive. Keep the ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts) away. If you find yourself stuck in a lousy place or it is just one of those times in your life where you have to deal with a lot of junk, pretend you are a duck in water and find a way to let the issues roll off your back, Keep the self talk positive.

If you walk into race day using the above plan, your mind and body will be itching for a long run. You will last longer and find the zone easier. If you find you are antsy to get out and run days before the race, chances are your taper is good and you’ll be primed for a great race.

Good Luck and Train Focused

Coach Steve

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